So I am officially back home in Australia. But something has been bothering me. Last week I was at Books Kinokuniya in Dubai Mall last week with my brother just browsing. As we were leaving, I saw a section titled ‘Africa & Others’. I was a bit confused. I quickly skimmed through the books in the section and they all seemed to be about Africa. Well about 70% of them were about Nelson Mandela, and the rest of it was about the continent, colonszation and biographies, but it was all Africa. I quickly gazed over at a few sections around and there was Asia and Europe, but there was no ‘Asia & Others’ or ‘Europe & Others’. So what are ‘Others’? I was so puzzled that I took a photo on my iphone. Maybe I am taking the section title out of context, but it didn’t seem right to me at the time and still doesn’t seem right to me now!
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