Last weekend the Afroklectic team hung out at the annual Africultures Festival in Auburn (Sydney). The weather was nice but a bit of a scorcher! A contrast to last year’s wetness!
To be honest, the festival didn’t have the same kind of vibrancy it had last year. Although, I must admit that it was a great event to chill and see fellow Africans in-tuned with the atmosphere. One thing which stole my heart was a food stall which was cooking kebabs on a portable barbeque. The kind you see when you walk the streets of Nigeria, Ghana, Sierra Leone at night. Seasoned mouth watering meat with capsicums and onions. A wave of nostalgia overflowed. I felt Africa had truly come to Australia at that stall!
The OuRoutine boys came out of their year long hiatus on Saturday and captured the stylistic atmosphere.

For more photos, check out OuRoutine’s blog here.