Well hello!!! Nice of you to join us for 2014. Hope you had a great holiday season. May all the cannots of 2014 become the cans of 2014!
No joke, 2013 was a blur for me personally. The year peaked on some great highs and also some extreme lows. But that’s just life isn’t it? Life throws you lemons and you just have to turn them into lemonades!
It’s a new year and Afroklectic is still riding the same vibe we have always ridden we see feel, hear, touch and write. You dig? We are still repping Australia and hopefully cross the waters this year into New Zealand. I can’t make any promises this year on grand plans but if you are ready, stay tuned. One thing I can promise are email newsletters. We have been getting emails for a while about doing them. So we are going to make it happen! Already so much has happened in the new year. I went to Morocco with some friends, started the furniture workshop with the uber-talented-super-nice Yinka Ilori and started finding my London groove!
Thanks for growing with is for the past four years. Your support has been been fuelling is! Hope you are ready to join us for another year!