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Lips of Babel

Ex-model Elle Muliarchyk has come up with an amazing linguistic concept in collaboration with Motilo titled the ‘Lips of Babel’ with reference to the biblical story ‘Tower of Babel’. Motilo is an interactive fashion focused social media network platform allowing a user to create looks from the items online, share the looks with friends and purchase the items. Elle Muliarchyk grew speaking a plethora of languages from Czech to Vietnamese. She speaks five languages and understands even more. Motilo writes that she was ‘destined for linguistic greatness from a young age’. Her linguistic destiny was inevitably since she is the child of a journalist and diplomat!

As a model, Muliarchyk spent a lot of time in casting rooms full of women from all over the world, where she was constantly eavesdropping on private conversations!

Using her linguistic capabilities, modelling and production connections, Muliarchyk gathered 50 beautiful women from various countries to recite tongue twisters in their native tongue. The result is intriguing, especially with all the women rocking hot coloured lipstick. You are forced to be fixated on their lips!!! I love how we get to see some of the women make mistakes and laugh it all. It just brings a natural and chilled out vibe flowing through the project.

Amongst the 50 women featured in Lips of Babel, African beauties Oroma Elewa, Nykhor Paul, Nina Keita, Ajak Deng and Ataui Deng tie their tongues reciting the teasers!

  1. Oroma Elewa – Nigeria – Lady tailor, are you crying because the hen laid an egg on the dress you made that was lying on the bed?

  2. Nykhor Paul– Sudan – (Nuer) Is the frog kicking the pumpkin with his tailbone or is he not kicking the pumpkin with his tailbone?

  3. Nina Keita – Ivory Coast – A hunter who knows how to hunt has to know how to hunt without his hunting dog.

  4. Ajak Deng – Sudan – (Dinka) An emu tramped in the water and now the rat has nothing to drink so he chews on a toothpick.

  5. Ataui Deng– Sudan – (Arabic) I scream, you scream, we all scream, for ice cream.


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