Recently I read a beautiful post by Valene Nsimba Lontanga who runs the blog Nsimba. I found out about her on Twitter and with a bit of ‘social stalking’, I ended up hooked on her blog sold by her visuals and style. She is based in The Netherlands with roots from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Her blog demonstrates how she cultivates the two cultures through her style and influences.
Her post titled, ‘Share your Passion‘ was inspired by Afroklectic and after reading it I thought ‘Damn, Afroklectic inspired you to write that? Where have I been all this time?‘. Valene honestly ‘Iyanla-ed’ me with that post. She gives an easy step by step guide for finding your passion, sharing it and linking with others who have similar passions. What Valence wrote was nothing new to me, but it was a reminder I desperately needed. Share your Passion has become a guide for me in London. It’s like I have started Afroklectic all over again, meeting people, sharing ideas, telling my story, just going back to the basics and it is just setting my passion for Afroklectic on fire again.
I encourage you to have a read of Valene’s post. Whether you know what your passion is or not you are bound to get something out of it. Besides that take a stroll through Nsimba and enjoy!
