So Nigerian-Australian dancer and singer Tim ‘Timomatic‘ Omaji did not go on to win the talent show ‘Australia’s Got Talent’ but like the best of them, he managed to get signed regardless. To be honest I was not originally a fan of Timomatic. I thought he was a great dancer but musically, he didn’t quite do it for me. Every night Australia’s Got Talent was on TV I would argue with his biggest fans about him: my dad and youngest sister.
Of course when his debut single came out my Dad and sister were raving about it but I didn’t even bother to check it out.
A few weeks ago I started hearing a song on the radio and just thought it was another American artist until one day I heard in the intro ‘Timomatic‘. I was honestly blown away. I’ve had a few bites of the humble pie ever since.
Check out Timomatic‘s debut single ‘Set it Off’.