I am finding all these things which have an African look and feel to them. It’s really interesting to find resemblances and then find out it has nothing to do with Africa.
Doesn’t the pattern in the outfit below look like Kente printed on flat fabric like cotton???
The shapes in the pattern looks so intricate and detailed like Kente. It gives the outfit a tactile kind of feel. It’s really cool!
But…… It’s not Africa. It’s actually the handy work of British designer Satyenkumar Patel, from his Autumn/Winter 2010 collection.
SOURCE: Cyanatrenland
The colourful smocks by TenOverSix look like a Westernized versions of the the African smock worn by men in Western Africa (and I think in the North as well). I know in Ghana both men and women wear the smock and it is known batakari. In Ghana, the smock is made like Kente. But it can also be made in lace, tie-dye etc.
Can you see the resemblance with the image of the children (SOUCRE: Ghana Business Web)??? Or am I imagining things??
The TenOverSix smocks carry the same kind of heavy line detail as the African smocks and boasts the oversized shape.
I think they would be a cool new look for African women to show off a reformed smock!!!