There is a newsagency opposite where I work and once in a while I just walk in there to have a browse or purchase a magazine. A few months ago, I saw 2 copies of FABAfrica on the stands. This newsagency carries mostly mainstream magazines and independent magazines on the verge of becoming mainstream. So I was quite surprised that it was there, but took it as a testament to the growing African population in Sydney. Unfortunately that day, I had no money on me to purchase the magazine so I just walked back to work. But I kept thinking about the magazine, not become I didn’t purchase it, but about circulation of the magazine. The newsagency near my Uni where I purchased two issues of Arise, had stopped. Although I am disappointed about this, I am unfortunately not surprised. It wasn’t the right location for the magazine to get the attention it needed.
Last week, I walked into the newsagency last week and found the latest edition of FABAfrica ‘The Escapism Issue‘ (this time I had money, so I bought it). I was happy seeing it there and being a strong believer in brand/product positioning and marketing I started to analyse the magazine on the stand. I concluded that FABAfrica is being stocked in a better location – there is a decent population of Africans in the area who shop frequently shop in shopping centre where the newsagency is located. So it’s in a good place to target the right demographic. The magazine is in a good position on the stands. If you are looking for a mainstream magazine, it is likely your eyes will glance past FABAfrica. So, I am hoping that FABAfrica will stay on the stands for the long haul, which will then open doors for other publications especially the free publications like African Times Australia and African Oz and eventually other newagencies.
