Check out these amazing photos of Afro-Creative Yagazie Emezi Photographed by Cameron Davis for Vogue Italia.

Yagazie Ledi Francisca Emezi / Nigerian-Malaysian / Raised in Aba, Abia State of Nigeria / She’s a Poet / An Artist / A Hungry Aba Gal / Studying a double major in Cultural Anthropology and Africana studies in the US.
Yagazie takes readers and views on an interesting journey through her blog, YouTube videos and tumblr. She wears Nigeria culture on her sleeve with pride, whilst trying to ground herself in the United States. I often wonder people who move from Africa to the Western World. I have especially been curious about the experience of my friends who have moved from Ghana to Australia at an older age. I have just wanted to know more about the way they thought of Australia, what did they expect when they were coming, how they adapted to Australia, how it has changed them and so forth. But there never seems to be the right moment to spark it up in a conversation. It’s a topic which seems beyond personal. And I think that is why in the Australia-Ghanaian community, there is an invisible divide between those of us who were born in Australia or grew up in Australia from a young age to our brother and sisters who moved from Africa to the Western world at an older age. We do not understand their experiences and vice-versa. So for me, Yagazie Emezi‘s words and videos are giving me a better understanding to the situation. I now have a new found empathy for my friends.
For more on Yagazie Emezi check out her tumblr Jungle Love – Yagazie Emezi and her blog Hungry Aba Gal.