A few weeks ago, I let out my frustration about the photography elective I was taking at Uni. I mentioned my muse: Edem Dokli who transformed my impending hate for photography into a love for photography. My tutor loved Edem and told me that I should take more shots with her.
The due date for our last assignment titled ‘An Experience I Like In My World’ was fast approaching. It was worth 40% – there was a lot weighting on this!
I needed to make this assignment worthwhile.
I needed a concept and a great model FAST!!!!!
Edem and I had conflicting schedules, so I was forced to look elsewhere. And elsewhere was literally the same place. I called Edem’s twin sister Eyiram. Luckily, Eyiram had come home from Uni in far-away land for her semester break.
(Her Uni is really not that far, about 3 hrs away but I act as if it’s in a different country)
Anyway, she, like her sister jumped at the opportunity.
I have mentioned Eyiram on afroklectic before. She is a an afro-creative currently in her first year of architecture, is an amazing illustrator and has an elegant sense of style. I think she has an Audrey Hepburn kind of class about her.
I had ideas on what to shoot and she had ideas on what we could shoot, but together we were clueless. And together we produced my BEST rolls to date!!
Now, I think I finally have a better understanding of how this manual photography business works!
What’s annoying is that it frustratingly took me the whole semester to figure it out, when I should have figured it out in the first couple of weeks or so.
Although it was a great learning experience!!!