In Australia I always buy stuff on eBay, but it’s stuff I know I can never go wrong with. I don’t really purchase clothes or shoes due to the fact that I am unable to either return or exchange it if it is not suitable. Since moving to the UK, I have become addicted to online shopping in particular ASOS. I love their policy of free delivery and free returns. All the hard work of shopping is done in the comfort of my room. For the past 2 weeks I have spent hours online shopping and browsing. I came across the ASOS Africa Paperbag High Waisted Skirt on sale for $12 and I couldn’t resist.
I was expecting the skirt, but I wasn’t expecting fancy packaging since everything I had ever received from ASOS has just been in a clear plastic envelope inside a black plastic ASOS bag. But when I got the skirt, I found it inside a very cute fabric pouch matching the fabric of the skirt with the skirt nicely folded inside. Before trying on the skirt, I concluded that if the skirt didn’t fit, I was going to selfishly keep it because I loved the packaging and the skirt was sold out!
Fortunately for me the skirt fits perfectly!