To inspire others, one must first inspire themselves!
And Edem Glover has surely found a way to inspire himself and inspire others through his stylist t-shirt collection ‘Inspiration’. Each t-shirt displays an adage which ‘ushers you into a realm of mental, emotional and spiritual fulfilment. It provides an omniscient sensation of relief and positivity. Whether you need to be reminded of your worth or reassured that all is not lost. Inspiration can get you through with quotes that minister to your every situation’.
Quotes displayed on the t-shirts include:
The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are – Joseph Campbell
The Promised Land always lies on the other side of the wilderness – Havelock Ellis
To be tested is good. The challenged life may be the best therapist – Gail Sheehy
The t-shirts come in a range of colours and sizes.
To get a hold of a t-shirt check out the Glover Inspiration Blog or inspiration on Facebook for more info.