You may remember Leo (Lemo) Razaak Harunah from The Afroklectic Project video clips. He is a buddying photographer and videographer and one half of OuRoutine. He has jumped ship by leaving design school and accepting an offer for basketball college in a new state. When it comes to photography and basketball, for Leo, the two cannot be separated. Leo has remarkably brought his two loves sitting on either sides of the spectrum into the same space. Allowing him to pursue both loves at the same time.
In a new state, away from family and friends, away from the city he was born and raised, Leo has used his photography as a way to share his basketball life and new experiences in Melbourne. Publishing mainly in black and white on his tumblr (MyOptics) and instragram (@razaak), these platforms are a visual imprint of what he sees daily photographing anything from gym sessions to random people at train stations to his journey to and from training.
